Monday, November 5, 2007

The Weekend

Well, it is Monday, and we are on the end of a very nice and relaxing weekend. There is not a ton of news as to what is going on, but we did have a great weekend relaxing and working on our grades. Tara and I had a great date on Friday night, we were going to go and travel somewhere for the weekend, but after Catalina last weekend, we decided that we should save some of our money, therefore, our date was an awesome salmon dinner at home, and a chance to catch up on some of our favorite TV shows that we do not have time to catch during the week. Saturday, Tara graded ALL day long. I did for part of the day, but the house was beginning to bother me, so I opted for cleaning and taking care of some errands like washing the cars, and filling them with gas for the upcoming week. We had an awesome dinner with Matt and Melissa DeHaan, down at the new Famous Dave's (Tara's favorite Restaurant). After dinner, we came back, went on a quick drive through Compton, to show them the house we are looking at on Burris, and then came back to our house to play Scrabble. I should definitely add, that my favorite day right now is Day Light Savings Day-wow, an extra-hour of sleep, how amazing!!! We then had our scripture study on Sunday Morning, as life group leaders, Tara and I go to a scripture study to look over what the other life groups are reading, so it is a great opportunity to look deep into the book of John. We had a great brunch with Tyler to catch up on what is going on with his life. It is such a gift to have him as a friend! We then headed to the noon service and had an awesome sermon from Ken on Hebrews 11 and the faith of Noah. At the end he really hit well on the idea of tithing. We have already been tithing on our gross income, not our net, but we are going to be praying through increasing our tithe above the 10% and see where God takes us on this.
After church, we headed home, Tara got to work on her grading, and I ran to Costco to make some of our purchases, and boy there were a lot of them!
Now for our mini, we had a great first Life Group, or A:2 mini or whatever you want to call it. Shelley, Isaiah, Amy, Ben, Rich, Kathy, Tara, and myself all got together for a wonderful dinner and an excellent conversation on the church, and what the church means to us, how we have been blessed by the institution of the church, and hurt by the church, then leading into how we can work on improving those difficulties. We then talked about what we will be studying and decided that we will be looking at Daniel chapter 1 for next week and will be working our way through this great book in a scripture study format.
I am realizing that this is a rather boring blog today, not too many revolutions, more of a catch up with what is going on in our lives, but I do have some great stuff to add, but not until later.
We have really been praying through the Compton move and looking at what is in front of us. I received and email from Kathy on Saturday, that I am excited to share, I believe they were able to hit on some great insight, and gave me a great challenge to really focus on what I can learn at Fuller.
On the side, with Valley, we are at the beginning of another quarter, and the first one is now behind me. I have added to my classes that I am teaching, two eighth grade classes and a seventh grade class, all of which are approximately 27 students. It is going to be an interesting quarter, there is a lot of vacation time during this quarter, starting this week already. We have Thursday afternoon and all day Friday off, and I think that I might go Snowboarding with Tyler, which I am pretty excited about.

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