Monday, November 12, 2007


Yesterday I lead our Life Group as we walked through Daniel chapter 1. A lot of people like to consider the similarities of the 6th century BC Babylonian empire and the American power of today, kind of interesting to consider. I am not so sure that I want to walk through any of the parallels that do or do not exist between the two, but I definitely find value in talking about how God moved in the book of Daniel. We talked a lot about the main theme that comes across right away, it is something that blows my mind. In Daniel chapter 1 we see that the Babylonians come and defeat Jehoakim and Juday, at first you read it as Nebuchadnezzar's might, but on a second read, you can see the way that God had it worded. It says that the Lord allowed for Nebuchadnezzar to defeat Jehoakim. Later we see that it is the Lord who allows Daniel and his three friends to find favor in the eyes of the guard, and there is also the power of God revealed in the favor that Nebuchadnezzar shows Daniel and his three friends in their final evaluation. We see all throughout the book that despite what appears to be in control, despite the might, power, and appearance of what is around us, God is actually in control. God is the author of what is going on, he is the one who determines how history transpires.
This is really incredible to consider on so many different levels. So often, we look at our lives and feel like we have no control as to what is going on around us. I did not choose so many of the pains and struggles that I have gone through. In fact, I could pretty easily say, that I would have hoped for some of the things to go a little differently. It is comforting to know that it is not an evil power over my life, or an evil force that is determining what is going on around me, it is not the Nebuchadnezzar's that are in control, it is God. God is the one who allows us to find favor, it is God who allows the defeat that seems to be too much for us to handle. God is the one who allows all of this.
But how does this play out in all of creation? If God is then responsible for all, does that then imply that God is then in control of all of the social injustice that takes place? Is God then in control of all the children that are sold into abuse? the children that starve to death in homes by themselves? How does this theology play itself out?
I have been listening to a book called "Irresistible Revolution" in the book the author talks about a comic he once saw. It portrayed two people having a conversation, the one man was struggling with all of the poverty and pain that is in this world. While he is struggling with this he runs into a friend and tells him that he is struggling with this. He asks his friend to help him in resolving this issue of injustice. His friend then asks him, why don't you ask God why this all exists? The friend replies, that he is scared to do this, because he knows what God's response will be. He knows that God will push back questioning the man with who he called to be his hands and his feet in this world.
God has called us to be his hands and his feet. What does this mean for me? How do we work to fight the social injustice that surrounds us? I am not happy with the state the world is in, but how do I play my part?

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