Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Big Move

Our prayer is that our life is not our own, but that we might live in faithful service of God, no matter where he calls us...

As Tara and I begin our journey together, we pray that God takes our lives and uses them however he would see fit. On Tuesday, October 16, we had dinner with the Comb’s family of Compton, and began walking through what their life of ministry has been like living in the city of Compton. It is amazing, God has been using these two awesome people and their young family to truly love and lift not only their neighborhood, but also the entire city.
The thought of moving into Compton, for not just a few years, but for a lifetime is rather difficult at times, it is in particularly difficult I think for our families, but we covet your prayers and pray that God will give you the same peace that He has given to us. Below you can find a map of one of the houses that we are checking out.
Our prayers are with Rich and Kathy, in the passing of Rich’s dad on Sunday. We have been blessed by an amazing family out here, and hope that they know how much we love them and how much they mean to us. We are also celebrating the birth of Emily Joy as of last night. Praise God for new life and the amazing family she is being born into.
Grace and Peace.

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