Thursday, January 17, 2008

Life is good.

It has been a long time, since I have been able to write. Things definitely have been going well, but have been incredibly busy. I am sorry that I have neglected to write in some time, and really appreciate the clarity that writing in my blog brings to my own life.
I have been challenged to really consider where my life is heading. In particular with my internship at Emmanuel and how that relates to my job at Valley and my classes at Fuller. Please be praying for me as I consider all of these things.
As far as life at home is considered, things are going very well. We have been confronted with our Student Loans, (confronted in the sense that I realized how big they are :) ) and also with the potential bills that might be in our future. We continue to pray through where God is calling us. What he has called us to leave behind, or will call us to leave behind and what that all looks like in a very real and physical way. We are also praying through our housing situation. Are we where God has called us? How long have we been called to minister here? Is it specifically Paramount, Compton, Bellflower, Cerritos....???

I am very blessed with a wife that loves me and is open to the calling that God has placed on both of our lives. And together we PRAISE God in a very loud voice: "Thank you for hearing our prayers and providing Tara with a job she loves!!!!"

Our God is so big, He is so wise, and He is with us as we follow after Him.

Grace and Peace,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a test.