Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Finals Week

We are already into December, time continues to fly past us.  I had at one point thought that high school simply flew by, and then college, wow that went by quickly, but now it is life.  Life itself is flying past me, it would seem.  Perhaps it is from a schedule that is simply too busy, perhaps it is from not simply resting enough during my free time or my vacations, I am not sure.  I do know that I have not kept up with as many of my friends, as I would like.  It is as though not only my life is pulling me into so many directions, but then everything around me, the things that make my life a little more enjoyable, are pulling me as well.  I have so many friends from Iowa, from college, and even Los Angeles, that have moved away.  I love these people, they are very, very valuable to me and have left an impact on my life, I will be forever grateful for, but it seems that I cannot have the best of both worlds.  I am forced to choose between investing in the relationships and the people that are immediately around me and a part of my life today, or to continue investing in the relationships that are so valuable to me, yet separated by distance.  It is even more complicated than this, I think.  I mean, it is not that I even really have the time I need to invest in the relationships which are around me.  I am being called and pulled to be more intentional in my investments of people that I do not know yet.  It is as though, once someone becomes a good enough friend that you are comfortable and are able to grow and encourage each other, it is time to say good-bye and begin investing in someone else.  There is something kind of scary about this to me.  If we are constantly focusing on the new people that are walking in the door and leaving the ones who have been around for a considerable time to fend for themselves, I am not sure that we are doing justice to the Gospel.  It is kind of a both and kind of a deal.  We do need to be mindful and welcoming to the those that are new and visiting, they definitely need to be discipled as well, but how can we forget those that have been a part of our lives, the shaping of who we are today.  Again, I am merely throwing out thoughts, not things that I have come to definite conclusions on.
It is finals week at Fuller this week, I just submitted my paper on John Calvin and the doctrine of the Lord's Supper last night.  An incredible look at the church's development in such a mysterious and awesome gift.  To summarize what Calvin said, which I believe I have talked about before, the Supper is an outward symbol to the inner nourishment that our souls receive from the life and death of Christ.  In the same way, the waters of baptism do not physically cleanse us of our sins, but represents the cleansing that is occurring within the believer, the Supper is a representation of the inner nourishment, that our souls need, being met by Christ.  

Everything in life is going alright.  I will be very thankful to have my final behind me.  I have a 340 point final tomorrow night in my church history class.  It consists of 10 terms that total 100 points, 2 essays at 100 points each, and 2 random questions at 20 points each.  There is a ton of information that we need to have down.  I am sure that it will go well, but still am a little anxious, I just want to do well.  I can easily say that after this class, my interest and respect for the church historic is improved. This is definitely despite some truly troubling histories and confusions within the church.  I am grateful to know a little better my own history and in understanding that history can more clearly see  how things have developed to be the way that they are today.  

We went into Compton on Saturday and took pictures.  I had the opportunity to talk to a lady named Suzy who had her mail man recommend her house to be cleaned up by us.  She has adopted seven children since birth, one of which is now in his 20's all of them her nieces and nephews.  She is  a single lady doing her best to love these kids, and protect them from the gangs and hardships that pressure them.  She had a renewed faith in the goodness of man, and the blessings of God.  She was going to come and check out Emmanuel, she could not understand how a church could care so much for another city and a person outside of itself.  Saturday night, we also had the opportunity to talk with a guy from the reformed church, church planting committee who is looking at working with Emmanuel in assessing people to become church planters and helping in the initial church plants.

I am excited to begin planning for our trip back to Iowa.  Hopefully this weekend, we will have some time to clean-up around the house and start to bring some order back into our lives.  After Wednesday, Fuller is on break until January 7, so nearly a month of not concerning myself with classes!  Some random notes, we have our Christmas tree up and decorated, I hung the lights, and we have begun to listen to small amounts of Christmas music.  Not exactly a favorite of Tara's :).  

Well, I need to get to some projects, have a blessed day.